Extending the classroom


This session is aimed at sharing examples of practical maths lessons that take place in the hall/playground/corridor/field etc helping to break up the routine of desk or computer based activity. We will start by presenting and trying some ideas and hopefully developing them together, then I hope we can share ideas of a similar nature and, if time allows, collaborate to come up with new ones.


This session will be all about trying the activities and thinking about their benefits as we do so. The following are links to more details descriptions of the activities we will look at.

Human Loci - Investigate loci using people as the points. This link has some activities and examples.

Constructing Triangles - Constructing large triangles with chalk in the playground! The link shows some photographs of the activity in action

Dancing Vectors - Introducing Vectors by considering them as dance moves! Link to see how this activity can run!

Mirror dance - An activity I picked up last time I was here from Anne Watson's workshop on Dance and Mathematics.

Big Venn diagrams - Survey the whole school with a giant chalk Venn diagram - see some pictures below!

  Frogs  and  Sliding Bus Puzzle 

Human Coordinates - Have students be coordinates on a giant grid

Big box and Whisker diagrams and Human distributions - This is where we might use the people in the room and something about them to make a human box and whisker diagram and related questions!

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